Communication with a striking impact.

Communication with a striking impact.

Your company’s long-term communication strategy is our focus. Reliable communication creates trust and thus sustainable and priceless value for your brand – in every phase of your business.

Your company’s long-term communication strategy is our focus. Reliable communication creates trust and thus sustainable and priceless value for your brand – in every phase of your business.


Public Relations

We provide you with advice on communication and relationships within your company, with the general public, employees and other stakeholders. We enhance your publicity, convey information, identify opinions and encourage discourse.

Media Relations

Our efforts focus on the long-term communication strategy of your company. Trustworthy communication creates trust and thus a sustainable and priceless value for your brand – in every phase of your business.

Public Affairs

Our excellent contacts to government officials, non-profit institutions and diplomatic communities enable you to communicate your project in a comprehensive way. Thanks to our many years of experience and our knowledge of processes in administration and politics, our analyses and concepts remain up to date.

Investor Relations

We help you strengthen relationships with your existing and future investors and their influencers. We communicate your goals pointedly, present facts comprehensively and explain analyses precisely. In addition, all communication is done in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.


We have many years of experience and are excellently networked in politics, economy and society to comprehensively and thoroughly advise and guide clients from different industries.

Would you like more?

Our values and principles of conduct determine the relationship with our clients and the nature of our work.


News and relevant issues within the industry, in politics and our company.



Are you interested in joining our company? 

Find our current job openings here.


Our values and principles of conduct determine the relationship with our clients and the nature of our work.

Listening is the fine art of communication.

St. Alban-Vorstadt 19

4052 Basel

Kramgasse 43

3011 Bern


Gray Communications a brand by 

NIKandNIK Group AG
St. Alban-Vorstadt 19
CH-4052 Basel

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