Our Insight into communication

Our Insight into communication

Your company’s long-term communication strategy is our focus. Reliable communication creates trust and thus sustainable and priceless value for your brand – in every phase of your business.

Your company’s long-term communication strategy is our focus. Reliable communication creates trust and thus sustainable and priceless value for your brand – in every phase of your business.


September 10, 2021

NOW and Gray expand their footprint with the opening of an office in Bern

Demand for transformative brand experiences and close synergies between advertising and communications continue to drive the expansion of NOW and Gray Communications.


Our core Values

We always act in the interest and on behalf of our clients and focus on their long-term communication strategy. We build on trusting communication between all parties involved and ensure appropriate transparency.

We are firmly convinced of the priceless value of trustworthy communication and let this belief guide every phase of our work.

Discover your career opportunities

Senior Project Manager (100%)

Your field of activity

In this challenging and versatile position, you will report directly to the CEO and develop complex communication strategies on behalf of our clients and work out concepts for their implementation. You will accompany the projects from acquisition to conception, planning, realization and implementation and will be responsible for all of this. You are also a competent contact person for all questions and concerns of our clients and internal partners.

Your track record

We are looking for a communications specialist with several years of professional experience in the communications field and a degree in business administration or communications science (university/university of applied sciences) or comparable training.

You also have a confident manner and can present your work convincingly. In addition to an excellent knowledge of German, you have a very good command of English. French is of great advantage. You also have a broad network of journalists, local partners and exciting opinion leaders.

Our offer

You will have the opportunity to fully contribute your skills to our clients in a young, dynamic environment with flat hierarchies. With your work you will proactively develop our company and you are ready to take on further responsibilities.

Starting date: by arrangement

Place of work: Basel

Please send your application with your curriculum vitae via e-mail to talents@gray-communications.com.

Listening is the fine art of communication.

St. Alban-Vorstadt 19

4052 Basel

Kramgasse 43

3011 Bern


Gray Communications a brand by 

NIKandNIK Group AG
St. Alban-Vorstadt 19
CH-4052 Basel


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